Old School Parking Method Replace with AI Technology


All on fingertips

Search & book before leaving to your destination, including monthly/season order on APP


Fully integrated with Credit cards, e-wallets & Banks, top up, go Cashless, Touchless, Overall meterless, no more auto-pay, coupons

Save Time

Full visibility of available car park resources on APP. Able to book and park without circling around

Transaction statement (data)

All top up and spending are captured and show on personal account statements, operators settlement & dashboard

Anywhere, Anytime

Now you can park indoor out outdoor using one APP, 24/7, hassle-free

Pay parking penalty

Just let your e-wallets pay it in seconds and enjoy your daily lives


Guide you on map to your destination in the shortest way

Secured as bank

Registration of new account to e-wallets and refund are perform with OTP secured as bank without any leakages


You are fully aware on P&L, operational complexity carries cost burden in each of its processes resulting to losses.

Operators Users
Manpower Time & Hassle
Cash management Cash changes
Payment method Where & How to pay?
Maintenance Faulty equipments?
Violations management Lengthy processes

Our ioT technology can resolves all these pain points, turn-round your business to become much resilient and profitable.